01482 506004

New Patients Book Online


 If you are calling outside of normal hours and have an urgent dental problem, please consider if this could wait until the following day or over the weekend rather than accessing the out of hours services. Call the surgery on (01482) 506004 for assistance and information.

If calling out of hours and the problem is extremely severe please contact the out of hours service through NHS111.

If your dental problem includes uncontrolled bleeding and a swelling that is causing breathing problems this is an emergency and you should go to A&E.

Any patient who is unwell or has Covid symptoms may be asked to postpone their dental appointment, and are asked to call the dental surgery to check.

Now accepting new Private and NHS patients
Ayer Dental Practice Hull
Ayer Dental Practice Hull - WAITING ROOM
Ayer Dental Practice Hull
Ayer Dental Practice Hull
Ayer Dental Practice Hull

Teeth Team

Teeth Team is about teaching the children at primary school age how best to look after their teeth and what they can do to make sure...

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dentistry is no longer just a case of filling and extracting teeth. Nowadays, many people turn to cosmetic dentistry, or ‘aesthetic dentistry’, as a way of...

Surgery Hours

Mon - Thur 08:30 - 13:00   14:00 - 17:00
Fri 08:30 - 13:00   14:00 - 15:30
Sat & Sun Closed
Bank Holidays Closed
In case of emergency - call 01482 506004

PLEASE NOTE:- NEW PATIENTS CAN EXPECT A TWO YEAR WAIT FOR THEIR FIRST APPOINTMENT ............................................................................... HullDentist Practice

(Previously known as the AyerDental Surgery)  Our aim is to provide the whole family with an all-encompassing oral health service. We have a highly experienced dental team with special interests in preventative, restorative and cosmetic dental treatments, both NHS and private. We take great pride in our service and maintain high standards in our delivery of dental care.


Christopher Ayer


Joining the practice in 1989 as an associate immediately after qualifying at Leeds University, Christopher took over as Principal in 1995 when it was refurbished into the Griffin Dental Practice.

Christopher is an associate member of the British Dental Association and is an executive member of the East Yorkshire Local Dental Committee.